June 29, 2014

Photography, as simple as that

Photography, because it captures beauty in places that some would never have thought of them as pretty. Photography because it enhances our personality. Photography to express ourselves. Photography to change the world, to make us believe, to improve and acquire excellence. Photography, my friend. 

"I think you look at the world differently when you are a photographer; you find beauty in things people find ordinary- and with that you can create magic. Sometimes it’s something you’ve planned for a long time, and sometimes it’s just something you stumble across. You see the beauty in a trickle of light reflecting in a murky rain puddle next to the gutter. Really, it’s the little things like these. You find grace in imbalance, allure in prosaic, and charm in drab." 

Little text (and picture) from the blog peaceloveshea.com which explains a photographer's view in a way that I couldn't agree more, because as one time the great Andy Warhol said, "ALL IS PRETTY."

sources: tumblr, kayture, peaceloveshea.

Love, Janira x

June 20, 2014

You are what you share

Two interesting videos to think about what we are. Remember that we are what we share and that all those fashion bloggers who seem to have extraordinary lifes and live amazing experiences (which I'm sure they do) are humans and have feelings too. They choose to share a part of their life and we should always find them inspiring, but we shouldn't idolizing them. Just human beings walking through the journey of life and trying to enjoy every minute of it! Hope you like them and talk to you soon!;)

Dos vídeos interesantes que hablan sobre lo que somos. Recordad que somos lo que compartimos (en gran parte) y que todas las bloggeras de moda que parece que tienen vidas extraordinarias y viven experiencias increíbles (que en gran parte es la realidad) también son humanas y tienen sentimientos. Escogen compartir una parte de su vida y siempre la tendríamos que usar como inspiración, pero no deberíamos idolatrarlas. Solo son seres humanos caminando por el camino que es la vida y intentando disfrutar cada minuto de ello! Espero que os guste y os hablo pronto!;) 

Love, Janira x

June 13, 2014


Summer holidays are in and the only thing that pops into my mind are... swimsuits! Check this ones which will make hot summer temperatures go even hotter (fire emoji goes here.).

Las vacaciones de verano ya han empezado y lo único que pasa por mi cabeza son... bikinis! Mirad estos a los que les tengo hechado el ojo que harán que las calurosas temperaturas del verano lo sean aún más (emoticono del fuego situado aquí.).






Love, Janira x

June 8, 2014


GOOD MORNING! So... first recipe ever on Janira's Choice! This summer I'm going to post way more healthy recipes because they're so good that they must be shared! Also a big post on eating and diet is coming... satay updated!

SO.. first of all, what do you need to do this smoothie? Easy and delicious!

INGREDIENTS PER 1 SERVING (obviously if it's for more than one you just have to double the quantity)

  • 1. Strawberrys (I used 10 because they were medium/small sized)
  • 2.  1 Banana 
  • 3. Soy milk (half a glass)
  • 4. Cinnamon spice (one tablespoon)
  • 5. Ginger powder (half tablespoon)
  • 6. Almonds (6)

BUENOS DÍAS! Primera receta publicada en Janira's Choice! Este verano publicaré muchas más, ya veréis... se os va a hacer la boca agua! Además estoy preparando un post sobre alimentación y dieta... estad atentos;)

Primero de todo, qué necesitamos para hacer este batido? Fácil y delicioso!

INGREDIENTES PARA UNA PERSONA (obviamente si queréis hacerla para dos o más personas la cantidad tan solo se tiene que duplicar;)

  • 1. Fresas(yo he usado 10 por su tamaño pequeño)
  • 2.  1 Banana 
  • 3. Leche de soja (medio vaso)
  • 4. Canela en especia (una cucharadita)
  • 5. Jengibre en polvo (media cucharadita)
  • 6. Almendras (6)

Non gmo soy milk (which in case of soy allergy can be easily substituted by almond milk, oat milk or whichever you prefer), cinnamon and ginger. 

Leche de soja no modificada genéticamente (que en caso de alergia pude ser sustituida por leche de almendras, de avena o de cualquier otra que prefiráis), canela y jengibre.

Banana, almonds and strawberrys!


...and now just blend it up!


Morning face (no makeup selfie)

And what do you think... will you give it a try?

¿Y qué pensáis, lo probaréis?

Love, Janira x