November 6, 2016


Remember how I talked about my willing to create myself a new blog, to start new, to write more. I DID IT! And I am so happy with the result. So from now on you can find me at:



Love, Janira x 

August 6, 2015


I really wanna write. Like really. It just happens to me that every time I am determined to do it something happens. Like now, I’m almost going to pee on myself if I don’t stop wirting so that’s what I’m gonna do. Okay so once I’ve done that I’m gonna start explaining myself (as if I could, duh). (okay that was unnecessary but I needed to take it all out haha)

Well, fist of all none of this makes sense if you don’t know me or you don’t know my voice. Well, it actually makes sense (or that’s at least that’s what I hope) but I just love imagining the writers voice whenever I read a book. Like two seconds ago (more like a day ago) I finished reading “NOT THAT KIND OF GIRL” by Lena Dunham and OMG she’s a total genious. She writes so hilariously (don’t even know if that word does even exist) and she’s so raw and honest. What I envy admire most about her writing is that it all sounds really effortlestly explained. Like as if she was writing down everything as it crosses her mind, without any ornaments or whatsoever that embellishes the story she’s telling. Back to what I was saying about the author’s voice I’ve heard lena talk quite a few times and the whole book felt as if she was a friend of mine explaining her problems and situations to me. It was really nice and also a little weird. I really liked the book. Right now (July 27th of 2015) I’m on the 10th chapter of season one “GIRLS” serie and I am freaking loving it. You know when you start a book one day and you just find it incredibly awful or boring and just leave it alone and few months or years after you start reading it again and you love it? That’s what it just happened to me with “GIRLS”. I saw the first chapter right when it launched and I honestly couldn’t stand it. It felt miserable and dull and basically I was bored while warching it. I was 14 years old back then. Now I am 17 and I can relate a little bit more to the series (eventough the girls are around 25 in the serie). There’s some things I find really addicting about whatching “GIRLS”:

-me and my book, an endless love affair (okay just kidding, but I love it)-

1.I really want to write every time I see Lena (or should I say Hannah) talking about it. It just motivates me (actually I am writing this with a chapter stopped at minute 14, just had an uncontrolably rush to write).

2.I really love Marnie and I think that’s because she’s the character that I can relate the most to. She’s elegant and beautiful and aspires to have a life with beautiful things around her. She’s organized and responsible and she’s so charming. She's also a perfectionist which I, undoubtedly, am.

3.On the other side I can also relate to Jessa about being free and regretless and all that stuff. Mostly beacuse she’s kind of a wanderlust and I am such a sucker for travelling so there you go. However most of the time she pisses me of.

4.In fact I think I can relate a little with all of the characters (and I kind of wonder why I'm writing this article in a numbered list, duh, whatever). A big part of me loves Marnie and finds herself something quite like her. Another part of me enjoys Jessa and her crayziness (but also hates when she’s unresponsible or careless). Hannah just grosses me out except for when she thinks about writing (because she’s kind of a drama queen and loves to provoke situations in order to write about them later which is something I kind of understand because she has like this great passion for it). And then there’s Shoshanna (okay I just had to look that up can’t even pronounce it sometimes haha) which I kind of hate all the time because of her insecure self  but can of sort of relate when she’s being a fan girl about some things… I am somewhat unsure about her. I don’t like her and it makes me want to punch her in her face every time she starts whining but I kind of miss her when she’s not in the scene. Weird me. 

5.This series make me think a lot about me and about what I want in life and I love that. It also makes me realize that I am an odd girl (which I already knew anyways). 

When I first started writing this article I wanted to make it like a “list of weird things that come into my mind while thinking” or something like that but in my opinion I wrote a great review about “GIRLS” and Dunham so I’m just going to write another article about that. (again, unnecessary explanation, there you go).

Talk to you soon,

apologies for my lack of posting lately

Love, Janira x

June 17, 2015


Heyyyy! Q pasa chavales! Todo bien, todo... Vale, ya paro. Auronplay ha dañado mis habilidades cognitivas y últimamente solo se balbucear esa intro, jaja. Bromas aparte, YA HE ACABADO SEGUNDO DE BACHILLERATO Y SELECTIVIDAD! YAAAAAAAYYYYYY!

-Representación gráfica de como me siento-

No puedo negar que ha sido un año "durillo" y bastante ajetreado, pero la satisfacción que genera haber acabado (y viva) este año es genial!

Hubo veces en las que durante el año:


-Sentía que bachillerato se me escurría entre las manos, se me estaba escapando y que no podía hacer nada al respecto, más o menos como a Jennifer Lawrece en la imagen-


-Materias tan "queridas" como las matemáticas hacían que mi temperatura craneoencefálica aumentara peligrosamente-


-Citando otra vez las matemáticas (la verdad es que dan mucho de si), la imagen muestra la situación en la que una se encontraba al desconectar 0'0001 segundos de la clase, básicamente se resume en; -OMG WTFFF, Q NARICES ES ESA mx Y A QUÉ RESPONDE-


-Esa era mi reacción al entender, finalmente, cómo hacer un balance (no me juzguéis que cuesta lo suyo)-


-Generalmente lo que más echaba de menos era dormir, y dormir tranquila-


-Otras veces casi me cargo a todos los "happyflowers" de primero de bachillerato que (pobrecitos no saben lo que les espera) se paraban felices en medio de los pasillos a abrazarse y cuchichear sobre temas cruciales que suceden en los 2min que han estado sin verse-


-Mis pensamientos resumidos al ver el nivel de ciertas personas en el curso-


-Bonita escena en la que se puede ver una personificación de los trimestrales y mi alma-


-Canté esta canción justamente cuando la clase se quedó en silencio y todos se deleitaron con mi voz, jajaja, podéis escucharla aquí-




No me llegan las palabras para expresar las ganas que tengo de empezar esta nueva etapa, de la que hablaré mucho en un futuro y haré, con mucho gusto posts con consejillos para estudiar, decidir el futuro que escoger y muchas cosas más que rondan mi mente...


Love, Janira x

P.D: En Selectividad pasó más o menos lo mismo resumido en tres semanas. La verdad es que aunque sea pesada y te la juegues en esos tres días, el ambiente es inigualable y entrar en twitter (podéis seguirme aquí) y ver que todo el mundo se preocupa por lo mismo es bastante gracioso... Como dicen por ahí "Mal de muchos consuelo de tontos", y sino que se lo digan a Paulina Rubio quien creyó que el hashtag #PAU2015 iba por ella.

May 7, 2015


"Time is my most precious resource." "Is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it."
Video by CaseyNeistat, one of my main inspirations lately.

P.S: Really missing writing in here, I'll be back sooner than later!

Love, Janira x

February 12, 2015


-About world press photo foundation-

"12 March 2014 - Istanbul, Turkey : A young girl was wounded during clashes between riot police and protestors after the funeral of Berkin Elvan, a 15-year-old boy who died from injuries suffered during anti-government protests. Riot police fired tear gas and water cannons at protestors in the capital Ankara, while in Istanbul, crowds shouting anti-government slogans lit a huge fire as they made their way to a cemetery for the boy’s burial."

My stomach hurts. My stomach hurts and that's the only thing I know right now. My eyes are wet. My eyes are wet filled with tears of hate, sadness, incomprehension, vulnerability, inconformism and impotence. My mind is blown. My mind is blown in the most pejorative and disgusting way you can imagine. This is not ok. This is not fine. This is not going to stop happening unless we do something to change it. 

"29 November 2014: A monkey cowers as its trainer Qi Defang approaches during training for a circus in Suzhou, Anhui province, China. With more than 300 circus troupes, Suzhou is known as the hometown of the Chinese circus."

"23 November 2014 - Freetown, Sierra Leone: Medical staff at the Hastings Ebola Treatment Center work to escort a man in the throes of Ebola-induced delirium back into the isolation ward from which he escaped. In a state of confusion, he emerged from the isolation ward and attempted to escape over the back wall of the complex before collapsing in a convulsive state. A complete breakdown of mental facilities is a common stage of advanced Ebola. The man pictured here died shortly after this picture was taken.//In 2014, an outbreak of the lethal Ebola virus arrived in the small West African country of Sierra Leone. The outbreak began in the remote forest regions of neighboring Guinea, where a young boy contracted the disease and set in motion the largest outbreak in history.//Sierra Leone, like Guinea and Liberia, was unprepared and ill-equipped to deal with the outbreak. With health care systems that failed to adequately address basic medical issues, citizens were uniquely susceptible to this deadly pathogen. It swept through the country with a fury, killing entire families and preying on those kind enough to care for the sick."

"30 April 2014 - Here in the so-called "hall of sacrifice," a worker’s job is to kill caimans with a knife cut to the neck.//Farm breeding of caimans has emerged as a result of intensive poaching that led to the extinction of some species. In Colombia, breeding has exponentially grown over the past decade, and the country is one of the few South American caiman exporters. Thousands of skins are produced annually for use in the fashion industry in Asian and European markets."

"16 July 2014 - Gaza City, Palestine: Israeli artillery struck a beach in Gaza City during the country’s 50-day war with Hamas in the summer of 2014, killing four young boys and injuring one young adult. Two explosions, separated by about 30 seconds, targeted the area, striking a small shack on a sea wall and then in the open on the sand. Civilians rushed the casualties away from the area, and then ambulances responded to the scene."

"18 May 2014 - St. Petersburg, Russia: Jon, 21, and Alex, 25, a gay couple, during an intimate moment. Life for lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) people is becoming increasingly difficult in Russia. Sexual minorities face legal and social discrimination, harassment, and even violent hate-crime attacks from conservative religious and nationalistic groups."

¿Should we just observe this pictures, get angry for two days, yet continue with our lives?


¿Should we feel a burning fire inside of us and a big desire for changing the world? 

To know more about world press photo winners and causes click HERE.

To make a change start with yourself. Question everything. Watch everything. Read everything. Photograph everything. Research and find a cause you belive in. Every little thing helps. But how? 

Here are some ideas:

Join Change
Join Cruz Roja
Join Indiegogo
Join MSF

Education is power. Education is freedom.

Educate yourself, free yourself. 

Love, Janira x

October 10, 2014


Goshhhh... it feels like ages since I last wrote in here. And it's been on my mind everyday... but the fact is that if it feels like a chore, I shouldn't be doing it. Don't get me wrong, fashion is one of the things I love THE most but blogging is not as easy as it seems. First of all it takes a lot of time, and if you want to be original it takes 100x times more. If your mac is slow as f$&% it can be nerve wreking, and if you're doing year 12 (here known as 2nd of Bachillerato) it's simply (almost) impossible to blog. Well, to blog is not impossible but to blog "in conditions" definitely is, and since I don't like mediocre things I will be not blogging as much this year. Every time to time I'll write something here & there but I'm trying to focus on school stuff more this year. Because it's my last year before university and I have to give my best. Of course I check instagram, other blogs and news daily and I keep my tumblr really active (which you should definitely check out!), I read blogs and magazines, even fashion (and not fashion) books (I just finished IT, by Alexa Chung) and everything related to the fashion industry amazes me so much (a.k.a thanks god for Fashion TV and the documentaries that show how though and complicated (but really amazing and passionate) fashion world can be. So as I was saying I won't be posting as much as I did when I first started this blog but I will not delete it (that's for sure). There are lots of things that catch my attention and that take my breath away... and my closest family members and friends know them well... notice me: the girl who loves fashion but also loves politics and healthy food and dancing and singing and shopping and design andandandand a.k.a me... the occasional blogger (ON Blogger platform since on my tumblr I blog daily). I love to write and it's almost an addiction, since it keeps your head clear and organized, just how I like everything in life. Sounds good, sounds free, she's an occasional blogger, the one who writes things for the internet whenever she has the moment and the motivation, whenever she's ready to give her best.

AS I SAID MY TUMBLR IS ALWAYS ACTIVE: (so check it out and give a follow, you won't regret it;) I also answer all kinds of questions there if you're interested ) 

Just to keep going with this post some (very few) of my September/October favourites: 

MILANO FASHION WEEK MOSCHINO BARBIE MOMENT... see more here and here. (I also loved the MileyxJeremy moment in NY)

Totally lusting over that IPHONE cover!!! Someone interested in sending me one?;)


Karl Lagerfeld is a genious, in case you didn't already knew, and so he did a show that was related to what is happening at the moment. All of the models protested and manifested their love for freedom, girl power and other quotes that define and relate to the women power. You may have seen it but it's so good you may want to see it again...


"If not me, who? If not now, when?"


Love, Janira x

September 1, 2014


LOVE (UK), VOGUE (SPAIN), ELLE (SPAIN), my choices for this month.

VOGUE COLECCIONES Y ELLE FASHION BOOK, los dos ediciones especiales para los números de Septiembre.

Good morning September! It's a new month which means new things and a fresh start (WHICH IS SOOO GREAT), but also means going back to reality (after months of summer, hashtag summertime sadness). Anyways, September is a month which has a special place in my heart because fashion week madness starts (with New York in first place, yayyyy). Also magazines come out with the SEPTEMBER ISSUE which is known in the fashion industry as the biggest issue filled with pages of inspiration and trends for the upcoming fall/winter. It's such a deal that there's even a documentary about it CLICK HERE, YOU WON'T REGRET WATCHING IT.

Stay tuned!!!

Buenos días Septiembre! Es un mes nuevo, lo que significa cosas nuevas y comienzos frescos;) Aunque signifique también dejar atrás las largas noches de verano, el mar, (en mi caso) largos días pateando Barcelona (en especial mi queridísimo Passeig de Gràcia)... anyways Septiembre siempre ha sido un mes especial para mi porque empieza la Fashion Weeeeeeeeek (con Nueva York en primer lugar) y eso siempre siempre siempre es motivo de alegria;) Oh y las revistas de este mes siempre vienen cargaditas de inspiración y de tendencias nuevas que hacen que definitivamente esté esperando con los brazos abiertos el frío! Todos los buenos amantes de la moda saben que este mes además es muy especial para las dichas revistas ya que la elección de portada y de contenido es especialmente mirada y criticada por los medios, hay incluso un documental sobre ello, CLICAD AQUÍ PARA DISFRUTARLO!

Stay tuned!!!

Love, Janira x